caramel boy
Category:Side story proagonist/site "mascot"
What does Wonposk like to do on an monday afternoon? Plan his next show or play with melting sugar (caramel)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse maximus diam elit, sollicitudin scelerisque velit sodales et. Donec congue lacus enim, auctor auctor ex tempor sed. Vivamus efficitur sagittis justo, eget fermentum purus ultrices eget. Suspendisse vestibulum nibh massa, quis tempor nisl varius ut. Sed semper arcu nulla, sit amet pretium metus dignissim non. Quisque eu felis ipsum. Sed vestibulum, metus et finibus rutrum, felis orci mollis libero, eu scelerisque elit dui venenatis tellus. Cras a ipsum nec lacus accumsan ultrices.
Caramel: The taste of happiness, that's for sure!! Oh, you think it's too sweet? But caramel is the second star of the show after me (of course)! To watch my delightful, amazing, tasty, CARAMELIZED show you MUST like CARAMEL!!
Life before the show: Life... before? Ummmm... Why would THAT be interesting? Can't you see what's around you in this exact moment? Instead of asking such silly things, you should be enjoying every single moment of the show.
Endless childhood:Yes! The best part of this... Place, is that I won't ever, never, ever grow up!!! Hmmmm, I might be two? Two hundred years old by now, but I'm still a child muehehe.
So that means you can watch my shows forever!
Savior: Yeah!! That guy showed me the magic caramel and even created this place for me. I wonder where he is now, probably enjoying my creations from afar. Why didn't he show up already? I really want to thank him...
Ami: I thought that girl was cool at first, she even said the caramel tasted good and that my shows were amazing. But the truth is she never cared for those things. Ami wanted to hurt me and to destroy my world.
★Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse maximus diam elit, sollicitudin scelerisque velit sodales et.
★Donec congue lacus enim, auctor auctor ex tempor sed. Vivamus efficitur sagittis justo, eget fermentum purus ultrices eget.
★Suspendisse vestibulum nibh massa, quis tempor nisl varius ut. Sed semper arcu nulla, sit amet pretium metus dignissim non.
★Quisque eu felis ipsum. Sed vestibulum, metus et finibus rutrum, felis orci mollis libero, eu scelerisque elit dui venenatis tellus. Cras a ipsum nec lacus accumsan ultrices.